Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Updates from Classmates

One of our classmates thought of a use for our PHS 1959 blog, after the reunion, and before the next. Yes, keep in mind that in a few short years we will have graduated from Pennsbury High School - 55 years ago, and we would want to get together once again. So start putting away a little savings each month, so we can have one "big affair" in in 2014. Mark your calendar now, and start saving, and coming up with suggestions.

O.K. This is our first classmate with a contribution to our latest posting - UPDATES FROM CLASSMATES -

Tuesday - January 12, 2010

To all classmates I work in my trucking business everyday and doing very well, even with the economy the way it is. I don't want to retire because I might fizzle away and it keeps me young plus I would get bored because I have worked hard my whole life and like it. What are you guys doing? Let everyone know on the blog so everyone can keep in touch with each and everyong. Jim Franks from the state of Delaware.